1st May, known as International Workers Day, commemorates the historic struggle of working people all over the world to work 8hours a day under a safe and decent work condition and for decent living wages.
But, unfortunately, labor has not been duly recognized or applauded or not even properly rewarded by us. The paradox remains in such a way that the people who have created the luxury and favorable conditions for others, themselves living under unacceptable, hostile social and economical environment.
Here comes the real significance of May Day to recognize the contribution of workers to enriching human civilization. It’s a day to call upon the fundamental rights of any worker from any occupation of the society to give them a social and cultural opportunity for a decent standard of life and full enjoyment of leisure.
Mayday was born out of the sacrifice of millions of workers from every part of the world which still haunts down the capitalists in fear for decades. From martyrs of Hay market to Rosa Luxembourg, Paris commune to the Russian revolution, freedom movements in every colony from imperial power was the tale of international workers movement has given the shape of revolutionary mass movements. Capitalism has swung downward and is progressively moving into its own created grave.
India has an estimated 500 Million of the workforce which holds 1/4 of the overall workforce of the world. And most of us know “ labor added to the value of a good”. So the price of the labor of a worker is meant to be deserved to get and to be protected by us. People who are taking care of us, their dignity of work is to be maintained among us for a better future.
There will be a time when our silence
will be more powerful than the voices you
strangle today.
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